Celebrating the centenary of the discovery and publication of the Taung Australopithecus africanus skull
Discovered in November 1924, and announced to the world in February 1925. Still the nexus of African palaeoanthropology.

Taungskull.org is the most complete website for information on the Taung skull, aka the Taung child, and the Taung fossil site with its associated Buxton/Norlim sites.

To the Taung Child

"When, in brief childhood here you used to play
In primal innocence, you could not know
The mission that awaited you or guess
That wayward Chance would cheat your early death
And bring you the strangest immortality …"

“The faint suspicion dawned of one of the scholars that the Taungs child might come to have a greater importance to mankind than all the diamonds extracted from the mines of Kimberly, an hour’s run south of Taungs. Raymond A. Dart was the name of this scholar.”

Please note: This site is still under construction!

Sponsored by The Ohio State University Department of Anthropology and The Stone Age Institute